This is a list of vocabulary items related to mass media

Advertisement: a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service, or a piece of text that tells people about a job, etc.

Blog: a website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer

Journalism: the work of collecting, writing, and publishing news stories and articles in newspapers and magazines or broadcasting them on the radio and television

Magazine: a type of thin book with large pages and a paper cover that contains articles and photographs and is published every week or month

News: information or reports about recent events.

Newspaper: a regularly printed document consisting of large sheets of paper that are folded together, or a website, containing news reports, articles, photographs, and advertisements.

Television: a system of broadcasting images and sound using electrical signals, and the programmes that are shown

soap opera: a series of television or radio shows about the lives and problems of a particular group of characters

sitcom ( a situation comedy) a television series in which the same characters are involved in amusing situations in each show.

Headphones: a device with a part to cover each ear through which you can listen to music, radio broadcasts, etc. without other people hearing

Speaker: a device that changes electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance.

Radio: the system or work of broadcasting sound programs for the public to listen to

e-mail: the system for using computers to send messages over the internet:

reality show: a television show about ordinary people who are filmed in real situations

game show: a television program where people score points by answering questions or doing things.

talk show: a radio or television show on which famous guests are asked questions about themselves, or members of the public discuss a particular subject.

remote control: a device or mechanism for controlling something from a distance.

Headlines: words set at the head of a passage or page to introduce or categorize.

Cartoon: a drawing intended as satire, caricature, or humor.